Originating from Swansea, Wales, and previously known as Souldust, Ghast is a trio that has a great potential of establishing their name in the Underground scene. "May the Curse Bind" is their first full-length release and consists of 5 lengthy songs of crushing doom and grimness.
In my opinion their main advantage, if we were to compare them with the millions of other typical black metal bands, is that they capture a feeling of epicness, misery and anger in the same time. Apart from this, their songwriting abilities are astonishing as they continue to keep you interested thoughout every single song, even if you're listening to "Pale Robe", that even though it is a rather monotonous and repetitive piece of funeral doom-like procession, it still stands out as the most mournsome and miserable one. There are some fast passages that might remind you of old-school Darkthrone (such is the opening riff of "Crawl,Brighted and Afraid" ) and some mid-paced more groovy in a Celtic Frost/Darkthrone (again!) - worshipping way (like those heard in "Give your Wrists" and "Hexed and Moon" ). Overall the musicianship is pretty solid, the drums keep up with the rythm set by the well composed guitar-riffs, of course, some blast beats are present. Something that caught my attention was the THICK basslines. They're seriously thick, adding a sludgy tone to the weeping, discordant (in a good way) guitar-riffs. As for the vocals (or rather screams), they seem to describe the pain and anguish of a man in solitude or trapped in a dark and moist basement, and that's what totally suits with the general feeling of despair that surrounds the music. The guitars are simply awesome. Low-tuned, obscured by the thickness of the bass, dragged and trapped into a mud of dismay created by themselves, but gentle(in a mournful way) and touching at times. The
production fits the music in a perfect way as well.. it's simply putrid and filthy.
I would stongly recommend to all of you to check this band, if you're a fan of old-school black and doom metal and you like something that exceeds the standards of the oversaturated black metal scene. As I said in the beginning, they have a great potential of even reaching the top and I hope that they'll do so. Standout tracks? The whole album, but "Give your Wrists" is my personal favorite. Support!
Band's Facebook Metallum
In my opinion their main advantage, if we were to compare them with the millions of other typical black metal bands, is that they capture a feeling of epicness, misery and anger in the same time. Apart from this, their songwriting abilities are astonishing as they continue to keep you interested thoughout every single song, even if you're listening to "Pale Robe", that even though it is a rather monotonous and repetitive piece of funeral doom-like procession, it still stands out as the most mournsome and miserable one. There are some fast passages that might remind you of old-school Darkthrone (such is the opening riff of "Crawl,Brighted and Afraid" ) and some mid-paced more groovy in a Celtic Frost/Darkthrone (again!) - worshipping way (like those heard in "Give your Wrists" and "Hexed and Moon" ). Overall the musicianship is pretty solid, the drums keep up with the rythm set by the well composed guitar-riffs, of course, some blast beats are present. Something that caught my attention was the THICK basslines. They're seriously thick, adding a sludgy tone to the weeping, discordant (in a good way) guitar-riffs. As for the vocals (or rather screams), they seem to describe the pain and anguish of a man in solitude or trapped in a dark and moist basement, and that's what totally suits with the general feeling of despair that surrounds the music. The guitars are simply awesome. Low-tuned, obscured by the thickness of the bass, dragged and trapped into a mud of dismay created by themselves, but gentle(in a mournful way) and touching at times. The
production fits the music in a perfect way as well.. it's simply putrid and filthy.
I would stongly recommend to all of you to check this band, if you're a fan of old-school black and doom metal and you like something that exceeds the standards of the oversaturated black metal scene. As I said in the beginning, they have a great potential of even reaching the top and I hope that they'll do so. Standout tracks? The whole album, but "Give your Wrists" is my personal favorite. Support!
Band's Facebook Metallum