Friday, April 12, 2013

Church of Misery - The Second Coming (2004)

 No offense, but it is commonly known that the Japanese tend to be perverted or insane or twisted personalities, just have a look at their porn, especially the animated one. Anyways, I respect their culture and of course their metal scene. There's a bunch of great bands hailing from the country of the rising sun, as Japan is called. The first one I ever found and listened to is Church of Misery. Along with Boris they are the most known bands from Japan and possibly in the Asian continent in general. As I foretold about Jap's mental condition, it is a bit disordered - in a good way though - and this band is no exception. They are trully SICK.
 Stoner / Doom in a Sabbath-worshipping style - of course - drowned in odious filth, loathsome riffage and gruesome vocals. The groove added by the bass is absolutely deadly. In general, this band uses a serious amount of GROOVE in their music, no the typical stoner, happy one, but  a mean, malevolent and harmful one. The drums follow pretty well the rythm set by the bass and complete the overall musical massacre. The music is HEAVY, doom influenced with rock 'n' roll traces in a '70s style. Lots of guitar solos are present, adding a very old-school feeling, compelling you to bang your head til it bleeds. Samples are also used, setting the appropriate mood for this type of lyrics.
 Now, the lyrics! Church of Misery's lyrical themes are solely about murderers, serial killers, criminals and every possible or unpossible perversion existed in the human race, which by the way they seem to despise. For instance,  "I, Motherfucker" , which is by the way my favorite track of this record, deals with a sex murder, probably the "greatest of all times" as it said in the sample at the beginning of the track.
 Give those insane Japanese a try and listen to this album ( here ) at least once, and I guarantee that you won't regret for the time you spent. Suggested for fans of Black Sabbath, Iron Monkey, Acrimony, Boris, Bongzilla and everything that is heavy, loud and ugly.

Standout Tracks: " I, Motherfucker ", " Red Ripping Blues ", " One Way or Another ", " Candy Man "

Download link


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